Lilley Place: The Story

September 2023 – Tonight, as we celebrate the 20th birthday of Lilley Place, I would like to take you back to where it all started. It is not hard to imagine Peta Lilley as an eager and conscientious Grade 12 student. Of course, she has one of her many notebooks with her, and she writes down these words of inspiration from her High School Headmaster:

“Vision without action is merely dreaming. Action without vision merely passes the time. Vision with Action will change the world.”

Guided by these words, Peta founded Lilley Place upon the principles of care, competence, connectedness, and commitment – values that form the cornerstones of a team that collaborates to make a profound difference in the lives of others.

The official journey began in 2003 when Lilley Place was established as a humble, one-woman venture renting a room in the local community. I clearly recall sitting around the dining table with Peta at her family home on the Sunshine Coast as she decided on a business name and the first Lilley Place logo – the now iconic lily pad motif you are familiar with. Peta has always been a brand ambassador. She virtually lived in a pair of green pyjamas, known as ‘the Kermit’s,’ during her final years of university, and a group of us wore matching lily pad/frog pyjamas for her hen’s party. 

Pauline Ryan, speaking at the Lilley Place 20th Celebration event – 9th Sept 2023

In 2005, Peta signed the first lease for three consulting rooms within the Professional Tower of Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, a significant step for the business. This marked the beginning of a new chapter, as Lilley Place opened its doors for service in its new home in January 2006.

The journey was challenging (thank goodness for Pepsi Max and musk sticks). However, through determination and a deep belief in her mission, Peta persevered, and the team steadily expanded to meet the community’s evolving needs. 2016 Lilley Place took another significant stride forward and doubled the available consulting rooms. This expansion provided much-needed space and introduced new services, including the ‘Cancer Wellbeing Centre,’ in 2017.

By September 2019, Lilley Place had doubled, moving into an expanded space carefully designed and built to embody the business’s values and mission. This move was more than just a physical transition; it symbolised a commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who seek support. Lilley Place evolved into a larger team, including other allied health providers, each driven by the same purpose – to help people feel better. 

As we gather tonight to celebrate twenty years of Lilley Place, it is a time to acknowledge the journey, the lives that have been touched, and the challenges that have been overcome. It is also a time to acknowledge Peta, a genuine person, compassionate clinician and inspiring businessperson.

One of the most remarkable changes we’ve witnessed over these two decades is the increased awareness of mental health issues. We’ve seen society move from stigmatising mental health challenges to embracing open conversations about them. This shift in awareness has been instrumental in breaking down barriers and creating an environment where seeking help is not a sign of weakness but courage.

However, with increased awareness comes a new set of challenges. The demand for mental health services has grown, and Lilley Place’s responsibility to provide flexible and effective care has never been more critical. As we celebrate Lilley Place’s 20 years of service, we must also acknowledge that the journey is far from over. 

Looking to the future, Lilley Place’s vision is clear – to be an industry leader in providing responsive and trusted support through a diverse and skilled team of reputable professionals. This vision is not just a destination but a path we continue to walk, pushing boundaries, embracing innovation, and adapting to the community’s evolving needs.

The Lilley Place mission is simple yet powerful: everyone deserves to feel better. It’s a statement that underlines our commitment to improving the lives of those who walk through our doors, a commitment that has been unwavering for the past two decades.


Everyone deserves to feel better